Forums / Setup & design / Getting started

Getting started

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Joakim Stai

Thursday 27 November 2003 1:21:44 pm

Hi to everybody making websites with ez publish.. what I'm trying to do. I've been working on my ez site all day now. So far I've followed the tutorial for making a basic ez publish 3 site (twice), and I start getting the feel of it. I see how it's working. But there are so many things that I have no idea what's doing or how to do it.

For example, I'm used to PHP and MySQL (that's why I'm trying out ez publish, to make more advanced php and mysql driven websites) but the loops in ez publish for fetching news articles from the database are from another world!

My question is therefore, how do I -really- get started with ez publish on my own? Obviously I need to have somewhere to look up functions, operators etc. like does for php.. leading to another question, to what extent can I use my own php coding and access mysql database?

Back to the big question - do I have to read the whole documentation, chapter for chapter, to "learn" it? Or is there some way of looking up certain aspects? That's the way I'm used to learning, I had a hard time learning much from that chess club tutorial. "Try and error" is a better method than "do this do that" if you ask me :)

I appreciate all answers, and I hope there's some kind of community around this so I won't be left all on my own. It's obvious that they didn't make it easy so that you would want to buy their services to do set it up for you, that's why it's free. But somebody must know something. Right?

Karsten Jennissen

Thursday 27 November 2003 1:55:35 pm

The way to go is to first determine, what you want to do (obvious, but people tend to forget to be clear about it). After you have installed and created the config files/design directories for you site, have the all(!) the demo sites installed and enable template debug:

Then choose a demo view that most closely resembles what you want, and dig into the template code of that view. Use the customization section as a reference


for additional info.
