Forums / Setup & design / highlighted menues?
Red Bullbone
Tuesday 22 July 2003 3:56:14 am
I tried something like this in an include file
{section show=$node.object.class_name|eq("Startseite" )}<b>Titelbild</b>{section-else}<a href="/">Titelbild</a>{/section}
it works find as long as I disable ViewCaching but as soon I enabled it I get the following error:
Error: eZTemplate @ design/magazin/templates/logo.tpl:2[0] Jul 22 2003 12:54:56Unknown template variable 'node' in namespace ''
what am I missing? is there an more elegant solution for the navigation? thank youred
Selmah Maxim
Tuesday 22 July 2003 6:16:47 am
read this :
Tuesday 22 July 2003 6:30:25 am
thank you.
well now I've got a list with attributes... but how can I use them?
I tried this but without any success:
{section show=$module_result.class|eq("14" )}<b>Titelbild</b>{section-else}<a href="/">Titelbild</a>{/section}| {section show=$module_result.class|eq("15" )}<b>Editorial</b>{section-else}<a href={"content/view/full/47"|ezroot}>Editorial</a>{/section}
it seems the 'eq' statements are always true...
Tuesday 22 July 2003 6:38:33 am
yeah, I think I got it:
{section show=$DesignKeys:used.class|eq("14" )}<b>Titelbild</b>{section-else}<a href="/">Titelbild</a>{/section}
This works...Thank you very much
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Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
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