Forums / Setup & design / how can a datatype know from which object is called?

how can a datatype know from which object is called?

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Alessandro Cipriani

Friday 04 June 2004 6:18:52 am

hi all
i've created my own datatype (the previous post is fixed)
now i've got this question:
is there the possibility for my_datatype.tpl to know the class of the referer?
i need to have something like this:

if the datatype is called from a class1 object should do something
if the datatype is called from a class2 object should do something else

in this way i could avoid to have various datatypes that do similar work

best regards

Silke Fox

Monday 07 June 2004 6:36:22 am

Hi Alessandro,

not sure what you're trying to do...
do you want to use different templates for your datatype, depending on the content class
in which the datatype is used?
You could use the template override stuff then, see
