Forums / Setup & design / How to display related objects in pagelayout template?
Jack Rackham
Wednesday 13 October 2004 5:21:50 am
I have a problem displaying the related objects of an article in a pagelayout template. The following code works in a ‘normal template’ but not in a pagelayout template.
{let related_objects=$module_result.node_id.object.related_contentobject_array}{section show=$related_objects}
<div class="relatedarticles"> <h2>{"R"|i18n("design/magasinet/layout")}</h2> <ul> {section name=ContentObject loop=$related_objects show=$related_objects} <li><a href={$ContentObject:item.main_node.url_alias|ezurl}>{$}</a></li> {/section} </ul> </div> {/section}{/let}
Mark Marsiglio
Wednesday 13 October 2004 6:12:15 am
I had used this code in a 3.2 installation, but it probably would have to be revised for 3.4 or 3.5. Maybe it can provide some clues...
{let related=$node.object.data_map.keywords.content.related_objects} {section show=$related} {switch match=$related} {case match=''} {/case} {case} <h3>Related documents</h3> {/case} {/switch} <ol> {section name=Related loop=$related} <li class="relateditem"><a href={$:item.url_alias|ezurl}>{$}</a> <span class="relateditemclass"><nobr>{$node.object.class_name|wash}</nobr></span></li> {/section} </ol> {/section} {/let} Turning Ideas Into Strategic Solutions
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Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
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