Forums / Setup & design / How to modify the ezwebin content
Luca Mellano
Tuesday 04 March 2008 3:49:12 am
Hi all, I'm very new to ezPublish. I'm trying to customize the ezwebin layout. I was able to change the stylesheets and some template to match my need. Now, I'm starting to modify the content (menu and data).I've found on the administrator interface some packages installed under
/var/www/[website]/var/storage/packages/eZ-systems ezwebin_banners ezwebin_classes ezwebin_democontent ezwebin_design_blue ezwebin_design_gray ezwebin_extension ezwebin_site
In particular <b>ezwebin_banners</b> and <b>ezwebin_democontent</b> are packages relevant to the content of the ezwebin layout. These packages phisically install files under <b>var/storage</b> directory and probably also in the database. My question is, what is the correct way to change the website content ?The removal of the demo content package may corrupt the database ?
Thanks in advance.
André R.
Tuesday 04 March 2008 4:29:32 am
The packages are unimportant after the install.Demo data is the content you find under the content tab in admin or on the front end of you site, and banners is placed under the media tab -> banners in the admin interface.
eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE @:
Tuesday 04 March 2008 5:03:30 am
André thanks for your prompt reply.
So my question is, if I want to change the content (i.e. add a folder containing images, add new menu items and so on) can I remove the packages ? Will this modify the current website ?
For examples, in the <b>democontent</b> there is a directory containing an image gallery. After the package installation the directory is created under: <b>/var/www/[website]/var/ezwebin_site/storage/images/community/lyon-pictures/</b> If I remove the package, will the gallery be kept ? If I want to add my own gallery physically stored on <b>/var/www/[website]/var/ezwebin_site/storage/images/my_gallery</b>how can I do ?
Thanks again.
Tuesday 04 March 2008 6:20:58 am
I think you can safely remove the packages, but removing them will not remove the content from the site.
Tuesday 04 March 2008 7:20:52 am
Sorry, but probably I haven't explained very well what I want to do.If I uninstall a package (i.e. ezwebin_banners) I receive this warning from the system:
The package can be uninstalled from your system. Uninstalling the package will remove any installed files, content classes etc., depending on the package. If you do not want to uninstall the package at this time, you can do so later on the view page for the package. You can also remove the package without uninstalling it from the package list. Uninstall items * Content object Banners (folder) * Content object Woman (Communities) (banner) * Content object Woman (Frontpage) (banner) * Content object Woman (Products) (banner) * Content object Woman (Partners) (banner) * Content object Pencils (Support) (banner) * Content object Woman (Training) (banner) * Content object Woman (Solutions) (banner) * Content object Only Lyon Banner (banner)
So, it seems that the <b>removal</b> is safe the <b>uninstall</b> is unsafe. I would like to change the location of the files and also the reference to these files in order to add new contents on the website.
How can I do this <b>basic</b> action (remove the demo items and insert the new ones) ?
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