Forums / Setup & design / How to remove objects from a section

How to remove objects from a section

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Tim Kraska

Tuesday 19 July 2005 4:51:55 pm

I have setup my instance as a document management system so restricting access is one of the most important configurations.

In planning and setting it up I made to many sections and added content to some of the which I did not want in there any more.

How do you remove nodes or objects from a sections with out deleting the section?

When is it safe to delete a section?

Konrad Mazurkiewicz

Wednesday 20 July 2005 2:12:57 am

To move nodes or objects between sections you should use
"sections" from setup part and assign objects (folders, nodes) to other section.


Frey Staso

Wednesday 20 July 2005 4:28:13 pm

In the admin section, if you click on the ICON of the object you want to remove, you get a context sensitive menu with "remove" on it.

Otherwise you can use this code to make an edit and delete button. It would delete the current object.

 <form action="/content/action" method="post">
                        <input type="hidden" name="NodeID" value="{$node.node_id}" />
                              <input type="hidden" name="ContentObjectID" value="{$node.contentobject_id}" />
                              <input type="hidden" name="ContentNodeID" value="{$node.node_id}" />
                              <input type="hidden" name="ContentObjectID" value="{$node.contentobject_id}" />
                              <input type="hidden" name="ViewMode" value="full" />
                              <input class="button" type="submit" name="EditButton" value="Edit" />
                              <input class="button" type="submit" name="ActionRemove" value="Delete"  />