Forums / Setup & design / HowTo: Edit an add/edit template
Shurbann Martes
Sunday 26 October 2003 7:25:16 am
I'm accostumed right now with the editing of the content/view templates. Now I want to be able to edit the template that is used when I add or edit a new object.
For example I want to let the visitors to comment on the articles. Right now when I click on add comment I see the "default" edit template. How can I change this?
Should I use the override.ini just like i do when changing the "view" templates?Thnx.
Monday 27 October 2003 5:53:12 am
Maybe I wasn't clear enough. I want the template engine to load instead of the default: design/standard/templates/content/edit.tpl
this one for exapmle:design/my_design/override/templates/my_edit.tpl
How can I accomplish this?I Hope you can help me.
Paul Forsyth
Monday 27 October 2003 6:27:21 am
Yes, you should use the override ini file.
Read this documentation to see how to do this:
Monday 27 October 2003 6:54:45 am
I'm doing this, but still it's not working.This is the override.ini
[edit_comment] Source=content/edit.tpl MatchFile=edit_comment.tpl Subdir=templatesMatch[class]=27
I cleared everything using the script
Monday 27 October 2003 7:09:01 am
inform you that your override is in place?
also, take a look at the file permissions of your new template. the server may not be able to read it.
Monday 27 October 2003 7:50:27 am
There was no templates override assigned to content/edit.tpl. Very strange, because the chmod of the files are all 644 so it should be readable by the server.
But ok now I'm clicking on Create New. I give it the correct name, class etc.. but when I click on Create I'm not seeing no form field, where I can enter something for the newly created template.
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0001 secs