Forums / Setup & design / Hungarian translation error (characters: ő, ű)?
Zoltan Szappanos
Monday 07 April 2003 5:45:37 am
Question 1:- Translating to hungarian after eZLinguist, some in the space of some characters there is a '?' mark. These charachters are: 'ő'=letter o with double acute , 'ű'=letter u with double acute.
Question 2:- Similar problem, but it happens when writing something in eZP3 to a textbox (XML text) then saving it and the output of the former 2 letter looks like this: 'ő'=ő, 'ű'=ű
Question 3: - When changing the cache directory of my own site in site.ini my images disappear (SiteAcces/site.ini [FileSettings] StorageDir=mydesign/storageCacheDir=mydesign/cache)
Jan Borsodi
Tuesday 08 April 2003 2:16:28 am
Q1:The characters you entered are not part of the iso-8859-1 (latin1) charset which is the default setup for eZ publish. You will have to choose another charset in the settings/i18n.ini file, for instance use UTF8.
Q2:Currently eZ publish doesn't handle input like this properly without having Unicode on, do as with Q1 and choose UTF8.
Q3:You have to move the var/storage directory to the var/mydesign/storage, when changing storage dir. If not the images won't be found in the new path.
-- Amos Documentation: FAQ:
Wednesday 09 April 2003 1:25:06 am
Thanks, it really worked (i used iso-8859-2). However i have another question. If i set Charset=iso-8859-2 in i18.ini and in site.ini then if i am right i don't have to set charset in template files ({*?template charset=iso-8859-2?*}).
And another question: i have the following error in debug after loading ezxmltext.tpl:
Notice: Apr 09 2003 10:20:00 eZTemplate: Loading template "content/datatype/view/ezxmltext.tpl" with resource "design" Error: eZTextCodec Apr 09 2003 10:20:00 Cannot create textcodec from characterset iso-8859-1 to characterset iso-8859-2
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0002 secs