Forums / Setup & design / Image path problem with ezurl
Toms King
Monday 18 September 2006 5:55:22 am
Hi, all,
I face a problem that all the image cannot be displayed. My system address is sth. like and I use the command ezurl to retrieve the path of the image, it
always automately add index.php/company where company is the site name to the path.
Then resulted that the image cannot be display. How to fix this problem? Thanks.
Best regards,
Nabil Alimi
Monday 18 September 2006 6:48:38 am
Hi Toms,
In which case do you need to retrieve your image ? Is it a "design" image that is uploaded in your design/images folder ?In this case, the operator is <b>ezimage</b> instead of <b>ezurl</b>.
If it's a "content" image (uploaded with a new content), the operator is useless as the path stored in the ezimagealiashandler is absolute.
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