Forums / Setup & design / image with fixed width/height proportion
Jacek S
Thursday 13 July 2006 10:41:55 am
Is it possible to configure image object in ez publish that will have a fixed width/height proportion?For example i want to configure my article class(with image) in such way that it could only accept image file with 3:4 proportion(ex. 600 x 800 px).
Ćukasz Serwatka
Thursday 13 July 2006 11:41:59 pm
You can define new image alias with fixed size in your override image.ini file. Then use new image alias in template.
{attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.object.data_map.image image_class=your_new_alias}
<i> For example i want to configure my article class(with image) in such way that it could only accept image file with 3:4 proportion(ex. 600 x 800 px).</i>
This is not possible by default. You can't force checking image dimensions during upload. This will require some PHP coding: new datatype or hacking existing for additional validation.
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Christian Johansen
Friday 14 July 2006 12:26:57 am
It is not exactly what you ask for, but you may scale down to a minimum width and height, then crop the image to a given proportion. That usually works for me
Marcin Drozd
Friday 14 July 2006 7:12:51 am
Hi Christian Just a little question: <i>scale down to a minimum width and height, then crop the image to a given proportion</i> did U add in image.ini ex: [ImageMagick] Filters[]=geometry/scaleandcrop=-geometry %1x%2> -crop %3x%4+%5+%6 ??thanks
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