Forums / Setup & design / incude doesn't work with a variable in node/view/full
Marko Žmak
Thursday 02 August 2007 7:03:44 am
I have a template tabs.tpl that I include from template override for node/view/full. In this template tabs.tpl I have this code:
{def $tpl='tabs/test_template.tpl'} {include uri='design:tabs/test_template.tpl'} {include uri=concat('design:',$tpl)}
The result of this code is that the template tabs/test_template.tpl is included only the first time, and when I call it with the $tpl variable it doesn't get included.
Is this a bug or am I missing something?
I'm using eZ 3.6.1.
-- Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it! Hubert Farnsworth
Bruce Morrison
Thursday 02 August 2007 5:38:54 pm
Hi Marko
Any errors when debugging turned on?
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André R.
Friday 03 August 2007 12:37:57 am
Marko: Try upgrading too latest 3.6 version, I think this was fixed a year ago++ or something.
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Friday 03 August 2007 2:26:48 am
to Bruce:
No, no errors. But the interesting thing is that the same code works when I put it in pagelayout.tpl
to Andre:
OK, thanks. I'll try with the upgrade.
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0002 secs