Monday 11 February 2008 1:10:17 am
> multiple static servers, say, static2.examp... and so forth. 2 connections per host is a browser specific setting, but anyway adding several host like that would cause a lot more work for the server (take a look at the 'KeepAlive' setting in most web servers). When it comes to serving images and other downloads with another url, then you need to change all code that uses ezurl or ezroot for such files. You have settings there for getting it to generate absolute urls ("full") instead of relative url like it does by default. But the problem is that I'm not entirly sure where it gets the domain name from, if it takes it from the current host header, then you're out of luck. But if it takes it from settings in site.ini, then you just have to fix all other urls on you site that uses this or forke the template operators and make them use a different setting..
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