Forums / Setup & design / Missing search button/ how to enable forum

Missing search button/ how to enable forum

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aarif ahmed

Thursday 08 April 2004 5:10:28 pm

We are missing search button on our test user site, there is a searh field with text search beside it but its not clickble button so obiviously search doesn't work. This is working fine in admin site. I'd appreciate if some one can tell me how to troubleshoot and where to look for possible problem. Also how do I enable forum in ez? I am on latest ez version.
Many Many thanks in advance for any pointers.
(I did look thru forum and documentation but couldn't resolve it)

Alex Jones

Friday 09 April 2004 6:28:57 am

The search button should be:

<input class="button" name="SearchButton" type="submit" value="{'Search'|i18n('design/standard/layout')}" />

Enabling debugging is an important part of developing in eZ publish. Change/add the following setting in your site.ini.append and then clear all of your caches:



Check out the forum area of the on-line demo at . Then find the templates associated with that site in the eZ publish setup directory on your computer and cut and paste the forum code.

Hope this helps,


[ bald_technologist on the IRC channel ( #eZpublish ]

<i>When in doubt, clear the cache.</i>