Forums / Setup & design / $module_result.path: translated names?
Kai Duebbert
Monday 31 March 2003 2:09:39 am
The following code only shows the original (English) names not the translated ones: ------------------------ {section name=Path loop=$module_result.path} {$Path:item.text} {/section}-------------------------
As far as I can see there is no direct solution (only "text", "url", "url_alias" and "node_id" (if there's a parent one) are available). Any ideas for a workaround to get a properly translated path? Thanks!
(This should be added as a feature because for multi-language sites the path text is needed in a translated version!)
Jan Borsodi
Tuesday 01 April 2003 6:15:44 am
You can fetch the node yourself and go over the parent list, use: {section show=is_set($DesignKeys:used.node)} {let node=fetch(content,node,hash(node_id,$DesignKeys:used.node))} {section name=Node loop=$node.path_array} {section-exclude match=array(1,2)|contains($:item)} {* Skip root nodes *} {* Replace the next line with something that fetches translations *} {fetch(content,node,hash(node_id,$:item)).name} {/section} {/let} {section-else} {* Show normal path *}{/section-else}
We are currently planning to let templates override the returned path from module views, that way you could override the path returned from content/view/. But this is something for a future release.
-- Amos Documentation: FAQ:
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
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