Monday 18 February 2008 7:32:36 am
Hi all, I'm trying to transform a design extension to work with ezpublish-4.0 and getting some problems: The extension contains a module, which fetches a template to put it into the module result's 'content' property. The fetch looks like this:
$tpl = templateInit();
$Result['content'] = $tpl->fetch('design:full/foo.tpl');
The according template resides in the directory "EXT_NAME/design/EXT_NAME/templates/full/foo.tpl". This worked flawlessly with 3.10, but returns the following error with 4.0:
No template could be loaded for "full/foo.tpl" using resource "design"
I remembered the upgrade instructions and moved the template to "EXT_NAME/design/EXT_NAME/overrides/templates/full/foo.tpl" and cleaned the cache, but the behaviour remains the same. Has anyone an additional idea where the error might be or how to debug/resolve it? (Template debugging doesn't show anything related to this fetch).
Kind regards, Tobias