Forums / Setup & design / My system crash when rebuild cache
Adolfo Barragán
Wednesday 16 August 2006 8:46:03 am
I'm working on a new site on my computer, so I need delete chache frequently.
I've deleted all cache files (via explorer, not via admin interface) and now, when I call my page, the system crash. It return me nothing and it has created only 3 files under var/cache/ini.
Windows XP, Apache 1.3.29 and PHP 4.4.3
I'm repeat operation (delete all cache files) on another site on my computer and I get same results: the system crash after rebuild 3 ini files.
What can I do?
Thanks in advanceAdolfo Barragán
Softriva .com
Thursday 17 August 2006 2:38:28 pm
In php.ini what is your
max_execution_time = ???
I am not sure if it is ok to use explorer to delete cache. I used the script that comes with ez but I am using Linux
./bin/shell/ --clear-all
I am not sure what is this script in WindowsXP.
Friday 18 August 2006 2:50:40 am
max_execution_time = 600
It's very strange. I've installed a new site from scratch, then I copy design and siteaccess directories and now it's working. I can delete cache directories and ezpublish rebuild then!
some elf on my system?
RegardsAdolfo Barragán
Marko Žmak
Friday 18 August 2006 3:32:05 am
What's your memory_limit in php.ini? I recommend 256Mb.
Also, it could be that your computer is too slow. Sometimes it happened to me that my site crashed when loading for the first time, but after I reloaded the page a few time (without clearing the cache in the meantime) it opened OK.
You could also try compiling the templates manually before loading the page by using the compile script:
in eZ installation directory.
-- Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it! Hubert Farnsworth
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0002 secs