Forums / Setup & design / Newbie in need of help
Justin Pease
Wednesday 23 April 2003 8:57:30 am
I'm new to EZ Publish. I have installed it with ease. Originally I installed it with the demo data, and I got the basic idea - but found the multiple demo sites irritating. Personally the demo would have been more useful to me if it was just one site.
Anyways. I have removed all original demo data from the Mysql DB and reinstalled EZ without the demo data.
Unfortunately I have not been able to really find any documentation on how to get started. I have tried creating folders and articles, but when I go to index.php I am in the admin module instead of the user section.
I am more than happy to "read the manual" - just point me to something that actually explains this please. Thanks!!!
Karsten Jennissen
Wednesday 23 April 2003 12:34:24 pm
this could help:
Good luck!
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0001 secs