Forums / Setup & design / NewBie Question regarding design tab in ezpublish admin

NewBie Question regarding design tab in ezpublish admin

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ez user

Thursday 24 July 2008 3:51:57 am


I am new to ezpublish. I have question regarding desaign tab inside ezpublish in admin interface.

Q - In ezpublish suppose i created content tree structure of my own using admin interface and now I want to create main page for my website ( in ez publish terminology "pagelayout' ), Can i create my main page using options available under "Design" tab in ezpublish, which are

- Look and feel ( will create object of template look class and which will define logo,meta data, URL etc)

- Menu management ( will define how and where menu items will be shown )

- Toolbar management ( will add some tools of my choice in site )

and after defining all three above I will override templates for objects in content tree.

Please let me know if my understanding stated above is correct or not, also if all of that is true when i will create for my own pagelayout.tpl, if main page can be created using design tab in ez publish.

I know my question is little vague becoz i am confused between pagelayout.tpl and functionalities available inside design tab in admin interface.

Thanks in advance.