Tuesday 19 October 2004 8:53:27 am
I created a freh (3.3.5) install using the kernel.sql en clean_data.sql as claen database install. After installing my new site the admin interface works perfectly. However, all EXISTING objects don't show and generate a 'object not avaliable' error, where non-existing pages create a page not found error. Obviously, the second is correct, but the first isn't. As a test I linked the content site to another database by changing the database= setting in mij siteaccess .ini file. It worked perfectly! I have now deleted my database, copied an existing one and deleted all the data, and this works. This however is only a workaround and doesn't explain anything. Has anybody run into this before? It appears that the .sql files are incorrect/incomplete, but they came from the kernel folder in the ezpublish installation directory. greetz rinze