Forums / Setup & design / Override files not working
Andrew Lian
Monday 07 March 2005 3:47:43 am
Dear All,
I asked this question in another part message but titled it wrongly.
Briefly, the override .tpl files created during the making of the tscm site are not activated. Instead the standard /design/standard/templates/node/view/full.tpl file is invoked. I have cheked this by adding HTML code in the full.tpl file.
As far as I can tell all the override .tpl files are correctly placed - they have been placed automatically by the system. e.g. The guest book template override is placed in /design/tscm/override/templates/full_view_guestbook_folder.tpl
The directories are all owned by apache and by group apache (my web server user).
The linkages *seem* correct.
I would appreciate any clues.
Thanks Andrew
Łukasz Serwatka
Monday 07 March 2005 4:48:25 am
Hi Andrew,
What are your settings for full_view_guestbook_folder.tpl in settings/siteaccess/(site)/override.ini.append.php? Are you sure that full_view_guestbook_folder.tpl is correctly assigned to this folder?
Personal website -> Blog (about eZ Publish) ->
Monday 07 March 2005 5:42:23 am
Hi Lukasz,
yes I agree that this file (and all the others I have created) do not seem to be found - a path problem is therefore on the cards as you suggest. I still have not figured out the way ezpublish constructs its paths, but I will follow up. The entry for full_view_guestbook_folder.tpl is
[full_view_guestbook_folder] Source=node/view/full.tpl MatchFile=full_view_guestbook_folder.tpl Subdir=templates Match[class_identifier]=folderMatch[section]=8
This looks very similar to the all the other overrides - but I have no proof that any of the template overrides are working (mine are definitely NOT owrking). The details all seems correct e.g. section and class_identifier. The only thing I am unsure of in terms of path is the meaning of Subdir=templates. My question I guess is subdir of what dir???
Can you tell me where the full path may be found? I will try and figure it out for myself but any help would be really appreciated.
Thank youAndrew
Monday 07 March 2005 5:56:13 am
Your settings are alright. What are your settings in settings/siteaccess/(site)/site.ini.append.php for
[DesignSettings] SiteDesign=newsAdditionalSiteDesignList[]=base
Did you change plain folder name to other in design/? If yes, then you should set the same value to SiteDesign=
Christiane Kloss
Monday 07 March 2005 5:58:13 am
open your override.ini.append in an editor. Usually new entries from the admin-interface are placed at the bottom of the page. If you find your full_view_guestbook-entry there, move it to the top of the override.ini.append. ez uses the first match. So if ez finds full_folder first, it will never know, that there is a special template for the guestbook section.Clear your caches. Should work.
Hope, I could help
Monday 07 March 2005 6:14:47 am
Hi again Lukasz
[DesignSettings] SiteDesign=tscmAdditionalSiteDesignList[]=base
I changed "plain" to tscm as instructed in the tutorial - that is reflected above.
The only mention of plain which remains in the directory structure and filenames is ./standard/templates/content/datatype/view/plain
I switched on debug for the templates and it is clear that the system is not using any of my override files although some overrides are being picked up. I have not had time to analyse them yet - and as I live in Australia it is 1.15 am .... and I might have to leave it till tomorrow - but will keep at it for another hour or so.
Monday 07 March 2005 6:18:55 am
Hi Christiane,
Thanks for the tip. You may have seen the correspondence with Lukasz.
I have found the entry etc. and will move it up. That may help although I did reprioritize them using the web interface: does not seem to have helped if that is how the system works.
Ciao for nowAndrew
Monday 07 March 2005 6:41:38 am
Moving the files up appears to have worked
Thanks very much to both of you. Obvioulsy not a problem of path but of priority essentially. Which unfortunately means that the web interface does not deal with all of the problems one might encounter even though I reprioritized the new templates. I guess I will learn with more practice - anyway so far so good. I appreciate your collective help.
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0001 secs