Friday 10 August 2007 9:23:48 am
Hello! I've got a site with quite a lot of external pages embedded into my site. Therefore I've created a content class "external_page" with attributes "title" and "url", which are embedded in my site with following (pseudo-) code
<iframes src="{$node.url}" name="external_frame">
This solution allows me to nicely wrap my site's design around the external_pages. However, I now have to pass HTML POST data from my own pages down to embedded pages. I tried to achieve this by specifying the target-parameter of the HTML form-tag. E.g. on my frontpage I've got a search box
<form action="" target="external_frame" method="post">
which calls "other_url" on my site with the embedded iframe I want to pass my data to. However, it does not work, no data is passed down to the iframe. Sadly I'm also limited to method="post", GET-Parameters are all ignored. Any hints available?
Thanks in advance, Reinhard