Forums / Setup & design / "path": link error

"path": link error

Author Message

Asbjørn Aarrestad

Tuesday 09 September 2003 6:25:21 am

I tried to make a "path-line" using the same code as in the demo of eZ 3.1-1:
<div class="path">&gt;
{section name=Path loop=$module_result.path offset=1}
{section show=$Path:item.url}
<a href="{concat($Path:item.url, "/")|ezurl}">{$Path:item.text|wash}</a>

but this does not work. All the links are pointing to the lastes article / folder.

Anybody knows how to fix this?

Gunnstein Lye

Thursday 11 September 2003 4:56:04 am

I don't know what's wrong, but I suggest you rip the code from the standard templates of your distribution. design/standard/templates/page_toppath.tpl is the file you need.