Forums / Setup & design / Permissions - content * Section(somesection)
webamoeba webamoeba
Wednesday 11 February 2004 1:11:24 am
I want to do the following:
content * Section(somesection)
However I din't seem to be able to do this. Instead I have to go through each function e.g. content read Section(somesection)
Is there a way????? to allow full function access to a given module all functions but only limited sections without listing each function individually???
Vidar Langseid
Wednesday 11 February 2004 2:56:59 am
Sorry, but that is not possible at the momment
But we are actually working on someting simular this days(should appear in trunk this week I think) for the ezp3.4: you may create a role like content * * The new thing in ezp3.4 is that when you assign this role, you may choose both to whom (user/usergroup) and where(subtree) the assigment shall apply
Best regards,Vidar
Wednesday 11 February 2004 3:03:07 am
Why is it that I always seem to get the answer 'next version' - not specifically eZpublish but all sorts of CMS systems, with Mambo4.5 they say that ediatble user groups won't come in until the next version grrrrrr.
Oh well, NEIdeas when 3.4 might be released????
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0002 secs