Forums / Setup & design / prblem in ez 3.10 Blog with $view_parameters
christian bencivenni
Friday 11 January 2008 2:22:18 am
Hi to you all. I'm havinh some problem with an installation of ez 3.10.When I crate a Blog object and try to insert some Blog Post they did non appear. In the back end they are correctly created but at template level they are not displayed.
I'm making some tries and I found that the variable: $view_parameters.tag in the full_blog.tpl of ezwebin extension is not set up.
My problem is that i connot find where the variable is crated but I think it is a $module_result always ready variable.I don't know why in this installation it doesn't work and in others one yes.
I only modified the pagelayout.tpl template so...
I don't know. Someone can help?
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0002 secs