Forums / Setup & design / Problem to insert a flash file on the public side
laurent le cadet
Wednesday 04 June 2003 7:15:11 am
I manage to insert a flash file on the admin side but not on the public side.The template to show the flash in admin is :
but on the public side, the url...content/view/full/"my flash file object ID" just show me the name of the file (like that "phpPjpOjT.swf") with this template : design/demo/override/templates/file.tpl
I tried to override this template adding the content of the ezmedia.tpl but it's still the same.
Many thanks for help.
Ps : the re-writing rules seems to be correct on the both sides.
Paul Borgermans
Saturday 07 June 2003 5:36:05 am
What datatype are you using for your flash file? You should use the media datatype and make sure you have the correct url operators in your templates.
eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training
Jerry Jalava
Wednesday 18 June 2003 3:21:47 am
I used the media type and it works nicely... This is what my test template looked: {default content_object=$node.object content_version=$node.contentobject_version_object node_name=$} <div align="center"> <table width="80%" border="0"> {section name=ContentObjectAttribute loop=$content_version.contentobject_attributes} <tr> {switch match=$ContentObjectAttribute:item.is_a} {case match=ezstring} <td class="NewsTitle"><br><br>{attribute_view_gui attribute=$ContentObjectAttribute:item}<br></td> {/case} </tr> <tr> {case} <td><br>{attribute_view_gui attribute=$ContentObjectAttribute:item}</object><br></td> {/case} {/switch} </tr> {/section} </table><br><br> </div>{/default}
The switch is there because in my FlashTest Class I have to attributes: Text Line(Title) and Flash Mediatype...
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