Forums / Setup & design / problem with customerorderview.tpl
christian bencivenni
Friday 30 November 2007 3:22:29 am
I'm tring to visualize the user orders but i have a problem with /shop/customerorderview.tpl I overrided it for a personalization but the array $order_list seems to be of zero elements.How can I fetch a list of a user orders?
I'm tring with fetch functions but I have no idea about the class id of an order.
Thanks in advance
Pascal Specht
Friday 30 November 2007 4:18:04 am
Hi Christian,
At some point the customerorderview.tpl gets feeded by the corresponding PHP module, via the following code:
$Email = urldecode( $Email ); $productList =& eZOrder::productList( $CustomerID, $Email ); $orderList =& eZOrder::orderList( $CustomerID, $Email ); $tpl->setVariable( "product_list", $productList ); $tpl->setVariable( "order_list", $orderList );
I guess you will have to look at your php module that instantiates you template, and do something similar there.
Hope this helps,
Friday 30 November 2007 5:24:43 am
mmmm... thanks Pascal.I hoped do not need to change .php
I'm searching a way to make a Fetch ezorder object but I don't know...
Any idea?