Forums / Setup & design / Problems fetching custom content class
Gintautas S.
Saturday 26 July 2008 9:44:44 am
Hi, first time poster :)
I have no problem using overriden (by me) templates to generate HTML for built in classes and classes, which I made from built-in classes (by copying and then editing the definitions from admin interface). But when I tried to fetch some nodes which happen to be of class defined by me from scratch, it doesn't work. I have ruled out the posibility of bogus template code, because once I created a built in class object under the same node under which my custom class objects reside, it showed in the result.
I use template function { fetch( content, list, hash( parent_node_id, $node.node_id ) ) }.
When I tried turning debugging on, I saw that there was no template calls for those objects at all! So I guess I might need to register my new class with the ezPublish system perhaps?
Ivo Lukac
Saturday 26 July 2008 10:27:53 am
Hi Gintautas
Reed this:
Saturday 26 July 2008 11:06:56 am
I know overrides are working for me, because I have used them for some classes successfuly. It's some kind of fetching problem, because once I 'have' the array of fetched objects, there should be a call to appropriate template which is not the case. I saw this by inspecting debug info ("show used templates"). I don't reach the override point so to speak, because the default template (node/view/full.tpl) isn't getting called for my class objects, but again override works fine for predefined classes (I can see it in debug info: source template and then the template with which it is overriden are listed). I know this is confusing, but I need to get it solved somehow.
SO maybe I have to 'register' my newly defined class somewhere, for instance in an .INI file?
Saturday 26 July 2008 12:14:13 pm
When you create objects from your custom class they should show up with node/view/full.tpl and node/view/line.tpl . Then with override system you use your templates. It is simple. You either: - didn't configured your override.ini well - placed your templates in wrong location- didn't cleared the override cache
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0001 secs