Forums / Setup & design / Problems: notification, ezmultiupload extension

Problems: notification, ezmultiupload extension

Author Message

Maciej Zasuwa

Wednesday 03 June 2009 1:41:11 am

I hope somebody can help with those two issues:

1. When I try to run notification cronjob I get this error message:

<i>Starting notification event processing
PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function attribute() on a non-object in /home/local/mzasuwa/meil_ez/kernel/classes/notification/handler/ezsubtree/ezsubtreehandler.php on line 121

Fatal error: eZ Publish did not finish its request
The execution of eZ Publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.</i>

2. ezmultiupload extension
I dont have any button for this extension in my websitetoolbar. When I try to access the extension via link the button 'select files' is not clickable.
When instaling the extension I followed all instructions carefully.

My EZ is 4.1.1
I will be very happy if anybody could help.
Best regards,

Cori Roberts

Thursday 02 July 2009 1:08:22 pm

I get a parse error when I try to run the shell command for this one, did you ever get yours to work?

Olivier Portier

Thursday 02 July 2009 1:48:00 pm

For ezmultiupload, the button appears when the extension is loaded before ezwebin extension.
In your configuration file settings/override/site.ini.append.php load ezmultiupload before ezwebin's like this :


The little multiupload button should display in the toolbar only for Folders and Galleries. You can change this by configuring ezmultiupload.ini in the settings of the extension.


André R.

Thursday 02 July 2009 2:50:41 pm

1) This was fixed in 4.1.3 and 4.0.6, update that file from svn or do an update.

perser error: your sure that your php-cli is php 5 and not 4?

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Cori Roberts

Saturday 04 July 2009 10:02:53 am

Hi there,

I'm still on 4.1.1 and being that I'm not a developer and the instructions are so complicated I'm scared to death of updating anything for fear it would kill my site. It took weeks to get 4.1.1 to work for me and I had to freshly install that to make sure it worked. If anyone is willing to take a few minutes to walk me through upgrading to the latest version shoot me a message and I'll give it a go.