Forums / Setup & design / Problems with section in a ezenum
Albert Hornos
Thursday 26 May 2005 11:17:46 am
Hi I've problems with ezenum in a section. I've a ezenum type attribute in a product that have 3 elements: URL externa value='externo' Compra value='compra'Reserva value='reserva'
I just want change the image for each choice but my section not found properly and always have the same image
{section show=eq($node.object.data_map.tipo,'URL externa')} <td><a href="{$node.data_map.url_externa.content}"><img src={"images/Compra.gif"|ezdesign} width="60" height="59" border="0" alt="" align="right"></a> <div align="justify"><span class="TITOLS">{attribute_view_gui attribute=$}</span><br><br>{attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.object.data_map.descripcion_corta}</div></td> {section-else} {section show=eq($node.data_map.tipo,'Reserva')} <td><a href={$node.url|ezurl}><img src={"images/Reserva.gif"|ezdesign} width="60" height="59" border="0" alt="" align="right"></a> <div align="justify"><span class="TITOLS">{attribute_view_gui attribute=$}</span><br><br>{attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.object.data_map.descripcion_corta}</div></td> {section-else} <td><a href={$node.url|ezurl}><img src={"images/Compra.gif"|ezdesign} width="60" height="59" border="0" alt="" align="right"></a> <div align="justify"><span class="TITOLS">{attribute_view_gui attribute=$}</span><br><br>{attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.object.data_map.descripcion_corta}</div></td> {/section} {/section}
Could someone help me?
Ćukasz Serwatka
Monday 30 May 2005 12:46:53 am
Try with
{section show=eq( $node.object.data_map.list.content.enumobject_list.0.enumvalue, 'externo'} show for externo {/section}
You will have to change numer 0 to 1 for Compra and 2 for Reserva and 'list' for your attribute name.
Enum datatype isn`t recommended, eZ publish support this datatype for backward compatibility.
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Tuesday 31 May 2005 1:03:27 am
Thank you very much Lukasz it's worked perfectly!
Only one more thing, I shouldn't change the .0. , it's always the same. (perhaps someone need this code too)
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