Forums / Setup & design / Product options
Salvatore Guarino
Thursday 21 July 2005 5:26:44 am
I'm a newbie of ezpublish... I edited the "product" class adding the "option" attribute because I want to specify otions (i.e. color, size...). When I insert a new product I can add options, but when I go to the user interface this feature isn't visible. I think that there is this "problem" because the product_full override template doesn't contains the option field. I'm not already able to use ez templates tag, someone could help me to show correctly the option field, with inserted options, in a combobox? Maybe there is a predefinited template to do this?
Łukasz Serwatka
Thursday 21 July 2005 6:35:27 am
Hi Salvatore,
First of all, welcome to eZ publish Community ;)
You can display this attribute vith attribute_view_gui template function or with attribute_edit_gui
In admin interface go to Design->Templates and then on list of common templates click /node/view/full.tpl and edit product_full.tpl
Personal website -> Blog (about eZ Publish) ->
Friday 22 July 2005 6:52:05 am
Hi Luke, thank you very much for your useful help,eZ publish is the most powerful CMS that I tried!
Friday 22 July 2005 6:56:01 am
That`s good, and you will see what you can do with eZ publish when you will get some more experience ;)
Good luck
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