Forums / Setup & design / Products options and basket. How to store the selections ?
laurent le cadet
Wednesday 03 August 2005 2:14:27 am
I'm trying to customize the product class to allowed customers to choose differents options of products.
For exemple the customer can choose a single product wich can belike this :
- product name
- size 1 : price 1 - size 2 : price 2...
For that, I'm using the multiple option datatype.
But I can't store the selection in the basket.
Anyone ?
Wednesday 03 August 2005 3:09:53 am
I found that in basket.tpl :
{section show=$Basket:ProductItem:item.item_object.option_list} <tr> <td class="{$Basket:ProductItem:sequence}" colspan='4'> <table class="shop-option_list"> <tr> <td colspan='3'> {"Selected options"|i18n("design/standard/shop")} </td> </tr> {section name=Options loop=$Basket:ProductItem:item.item_object.option_list} <tr> <td width="33%">{$}</td> <td width="33%">{$Basket:ProductItem:Options:item.value}</td> <td width="33%">{$Basket:ProductItem:Options:item.price|l10n(currency)}</td> </tr> {/section} </table> </td> <td class="{$Basket:ProductItem:sequence}" colspan='5'> </td> </tr> {/section}
so I renamed the multi-options attribute to "option_list" but there still nothing I can print out :((
Any idea ?
Wednesday 03 August 2005 5:14:16 am
this do the trick :)
but this way seems amazing to me (?)
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