Forums / Setup & design / "Read more..." link
Aya Brea
Sunday 30 November 2003 11:34:35 pm
Can you tell me how to show the "Read more..." link to the full view of an article only when the body have some thing. For example, some article contain only an intro part, it needn't to have the "Read more..." link.
Monday 01 December 2003 12:03:24 am
I found that maybe I can use "is_empty" function to see if body is empty or not. But I dont' know how to use it, I tried "is_empty($node.data_map.body)" but it didn't work, it return true() all the times.
Adolfo Barragán
Monday 01 December 2003 12:18:59 am
I use this sentence and itwork for me:
{section show=$Child:item.object.data_map.body.content.is_empty} {section-else} <p class="news_more"><a href={$Child:item.url_alias|ezurl}>Leer más...</a></p> {/section}{/section}
Monday 01 December 2003 1:27:23 am
Thanks, it work for me, btw I suggest you can modify your template to following...
{section show=ne($Child:item.object.data_map.body.content.is_empty, true())} <p class="news_more"><a href={$Child:item.url_alias|ezurl}>Leer más...</a></p>{/section}
Monday 01 December 2003 1:31:46 am
Yes, the modification it's better
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