Forums / Setup & design / RedirectAfterPublish
paul bolger
Friday 19 October 2007 12:12:21 am
I'm trying to get RedirectAfterPublish to work, as detailed in the EzPublish Basics book, but it doesn't seem to work... any suggestions welcome!
<form method="post" action={'/content/action'|ezurl} style="margin: .2em 0"> <input type="submit" name="NewButton" value="Create" class="button" /> <input type="hidden" name="ClassID" value="29" /> <input type="hidden" name="NodeID" value="{$this_years_node}" /> <input type="hidden" name="RedirectAfterPublish" value="/community" /> <input type="hidden" name="DiscardConfirm" value="0" /> </form>
Paul Bolger
André R.
Friday 19 October 2007 12:27:57 am
That post name should be 'RedirectURIAfterPublish' from what I can see in kernel/content/action.php, so probably a typo in the book.
eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE @:
Friday 19 October 2007 12:47:39 am
Yep, that works. Thanks.
Who does one contact to have it added to the errata for the book?
Łukasz Serwatka
Friday 19 October 2007 7:32:09 am
Hi Paul,
You can send this issue to, then will be added on eZ Publish Basics errata page:
Personal website -> Blog (about eZ Publish) ->
Friday 19 October 2007 10:18:40 am
Thanks for pointing this out, Paul. The error has now been posted to the errata page:
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0001 secs