Forums / Setup & design / Registration Form not displaying
Mohammad Tufail
Friday 11 April 2008 6:08:42 am
I have override the /user/register.tpl but it is not displaying properly. Instead of displaying username, password, confirm password fields etc fields, it is displaying Name, Caption, and Image attributes or fields.
Any suggestion?
Maxime Thomas
Sunday 13 April 2008 10:58:52 pm
Can you provide your override settings ?
Maxime Thomas | | Company Blog : Technical Blog :
Monday 14 April 2008 12:47:18 am
[register_over] Source=user/register.tpl MatchFile=register_over.tplSubdir=templates
register_over.tpl is the copy of the /user/register.tpl file with only css modification.
Tuesday 15 April 2008 12:07:11 am
You can activate the debug for the siteaccess you would like to do this override. Tick the list of templates to view what templates are loaded.You will see if your template is loaded.
Have you cleaned the cache ?
Tuesday 15 April 2008 12:32:35 am
Yes, I have cleaned the cache. And in the debug output it is loading the correct template i.e register_over.tpl. Even i have removed the overriden template and check the /user/register.tpl but i has also the same problem.I think the attributes fetching section is not working properly.
{section show=count($content_attributes)|gt(0)} {section name=ContentObjectAttribute loop=$content_attributes sequence=array(bglight,bgdark)} <input type="hidden" name="ContentObjectAttribute_id[]" value="{$}" /> <div class="block"> <label>{$}</label><div class="labelbreak"></div> {attribute_edit_gui attribute=$ContentObjectAttribute:item} </div> {/section}
Any idea?
Tuesday 15 April 2008 10:23:51 pm
This template is doing exactly what you said : it's looping on a new user attributes. Check your user class for an an attribute type called User Account.If this one is not present you won't be able to login in eZ.
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0001 secs