Tuesday 23 June 2009 1:08:26 am
Hi, I searched the whole forum for a solution but didn't seem to find something useful for this specific case. When I press shift + enter several times to insert new lines in the online editor (for design purpose), ezpublish doesn't save them: when I go back to the editor, the spaces aren't here anymore. I solved this by overriding ezxml.ini settings with:
TrimSpaces=false AllowMultipleSpaces=true It's now ok for the backoffice, but the front still doesn't want to display those spaces correctly. I tried to add the override file of ezxml.ini in the front siteaccess, but it doesn't work at all, even after clearing caches.
Does someone know how it works and how i can solve this issue ? I'm using "attribute_view_gui" to display texts on the front side, is there a built-in solution using this method ? Thanks. ps: setting content.ini's AllowEmpty to true isn't a solution for me. I really don't want <p> tags to create new lines. I wish to use shift + enter like in the old Online Editor.