Forums / Setup & design / Shop-problems, undefined view: ezShop
Christian Johansen
Friday 10 February 2006 1:09:51 am
I get this in my error log:
[ Feb 07 2006 23:18:46 ] [] Undefined view: eZShop:: [ Feb 07 2006 23:18:46 ] [] Error ocurred using URI: /shop/index.php/shop/shop
when trying to access the Shop module. Everything else works as expected. What's going on? It seems pretty straight forward, but I don't recall having done anything special with the shop module at all, and I don't know why the view is missing (that seems to be the problem?). I'm not too clear on what the view is supposed to be either.
Antoine Schmid
Friday 10 February 2006 1:35:41 am
The error occurs because there is no view called shop in the shop module.
The views are add, basket, etc.You can have the complete list in the file module.php in the folder kernel/shop.
Now, if you want to view your basket, just use the url : /index.php/shop/basket
The views are the way to display the content of your module. So in the url above, you said to eZ publish that you want to view the basket of the module shop...
Friday 10 February 2006 1:51:47 am
Thanks. It seems that I drew the wrong conclusions as to what logged message belonged to what error... I try to access the Shop module in the admin interface, /index.php/shop_admin/shop/orderlist
It abruptly ends with this message:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /path/to/ez/kernel/classes/shopaccounthandlers/ezdefaultshopaccounthandler.php on line 75 Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish its request The execution of eZ publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.
Furthermore, debug information indicates that alot of tempaltes in admin_preview is missing... I'll check up on it.
Friday 10 February 2006 2:12:15 am
Wierd... I get many messages like this:
Error: eZTemplateDesignResource::overrideArray Feb 10 2006 11:07:17 Custom match file: path 'admin_preview/article.tpl' not found in any resource. Check template settings in settings/override.ini
and my admin/override.ini.append.php has this:
[article] Source=node/view/admin_preview.tpl MatchFile=admin_preview/article.tpl Subdir=templates Match[class_identifier]=article
and the file design/admin/override/templates/admin_preview/article.tpl exists. The error log says nothing, and I really cannot see any reason why it shouldn't be able to load the template? I get dosens of these.
Stuart Fenton
Monday 10 April 2006 5:14:36 am
Try dumping your shop database as it might be corrupted. Usually from development when things are deleted before ship.
php -C update/common/scripts/cleanup.php shop
This command will clean the shop database. You will loose all the data in the shop so do a backup of your database before doing this but is should work.
-- Stuart
Monday 10 April 2006 5:42:24 am
Thanks, now I know this for next time... :) I actually gave up and deleted the whole thing installing eZ Publish over and started fresh. It's all working now.
Wednesday 12 April 2006 7:22:55 am
Glad I could help.
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0001 secs