Forums / Setup & design / [Solved] OE 5.0 showing in Admin, not in Public siteaccess

[Solved] OE 5.0 showing in Admin, not in Public siteaccess

Author Message

Benjamin Lorteau

Thursday 26 March 2009 4:42:49 pm


I installed eZ Publish 4.1 with Online Editor 5.0 (with Tiny MCE) and ezwebin.

Now I'm facing the following situation : the rich-text editor appears when creating/editing content in Administration Interface, but don't show when creating content from the public siteaccess (like adding a new topic to a forum).

In the list of used templates, here's the template invoked in Admin : "content/datatype/edit/ezxmltext_ezoe.tpl" with "extension/ezoe/design/standard/templates/content/datatype/edit/ezxmltext_ezoe.tpl" effectively loaded.

But in Public, the template isn't the same, it's the standard "content/datatype/edit/ezxmltext.tpl" calling the no less standard "design/standard/templates/content/datatype/edit/ezxmltext.tpl" instead.

The is no override rules for either template, in any siteaccess. I tried to deactivate ezwebin, with no luck.

Did anyone knows why it isn't the same datatype edit template called by attribute_edit_gui template function in the two siteaccesses ?

Thanks in advance

eZ Publish personal project : [fr]

Benjamin Lorteau

Saturday 28 March 2009 2:05:56 am

I finally found out myself, you have to give editors the "ezoe/*" policy for them to see the rich-text editor. Having modified the PolicyOmitList array, I didn't think about giving editors the policies I removed from this configuration settings.

In my opinion, the policy requirement should be added in the eZ OE FAQ, because not everyone uses the standard configuration files.

eZ Publish personal project : [fr]

André R.

Sunday 29 March 2009 8:19:45 am

Thanks for the note, added a section on ezoe policy's in the FAQ now.


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