Forums / Setup & design / strange error with ImageFilter
Quynh Nguyen
Monday 16 March 2009 2:21:03 pm
[ImageMagick] IsEnabled=true ExecutablePath=/usr/bin Executable=convert Filters[]=thumb=-resize 'x%1' -resize '%1x<' -resize 50% Filters[]=centerimg=-gravity center -crop %1x%2+0+0 +repage Filters[]=strip=-strip [AliasSettings] AliasList[] AliasList[]=reference AliasList[]=thumbnail_gallery [reference] Reference= Filters[] Filters[]=geometry/scaledownonly=600;600 [thumbnail_gallery] Reference= Filters[] Filters[]=thumb=200 Filters[]=centerimg=100;100 Filters[]=strip=
I used thumbnail_gallery to show images and then click on the thumb to go to show full image. In full image template, I used image_class=reference to show the bigger image, but in real, the reference image is same as thumbnail_gallery.
I don't understand. Please help me!
justin kazadi
Tuesday 17 March 2009 12:46:17 am
Hi, have you clear all the caches? if so , rename your filter reference with other name. and clear all cache.i think this can help you.
The theory is when we know everything and nothing works. The practice is when everything works and nobody knows why. If the practice and theory are met, nothing works and we do not know why. Albert Einstein
André R.
Tuesday 17 March 2009 1:57:56 am
Or clear "image alias" cahce in admin, it is not part of 'clear all' button.
eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE @:
Tuesday 17 March 2009 4:46:59 am
Thanks all!
Your help solve my problem. :)
Fátima Chapri
Wednesday 18 March 2009 1:01:19 pm
Hi André,
I was surprised when you said that <i>"image alias" cache in admin, it is not part of 'clear all' button</i>, because I didn't know that the 'clear all' button had any restriction.
Can you please tell where can I find the restrictions for the 'clear all' button.
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