Forums / Setup & design / submit forgotpassword form on 'enter'
paul bolger
Thursday 09 August 2007 7:14:49 pm
At present the forgot password form resets 'silently' - it just deletes the user's input, meaning that they are quite likely to think they have actually submitted the form - when the user presses their 'enter' key instead of the 'submit' button.
Does anyone know how to modify this so hitting enter will submit the form?
Paul Bolger
Pascal Specht
Friday 10 August 2007 12:12:18 am
Hi Paul,
I did something similar with javascript. Sice I don't like to break the logics of a website if the user agent disabled javascript, there's a lot of code pollution to make things work if javascript is not enabled, but that's the price to pay:
I hope you can reuse some of the code below and adapt it to your needs, for example by using onkeydown() event handler and trigger a submitform(true) somehow:
the trick is to use display:none to hide javascript buttons if javascript is not enabled. It will only be changed on the fly to visible by javascript.
Happy coding,-Pascal
<div id="javabuttons" class="buttonblock" style="display:none;"> <input type="hidden" id="jsfakebutton" name="jsfakebutton" value="dynamic"> <a href="javascript:submitform(true);" {* onMouseOver="window.status=''; return true" onMouseOut="window.status='';return true" onKeyDown="submitform(true);" *} id="jssubmitbutton" class="btn site"> {'Login'|i18n('bg_user/user/login')}</a> </div> <noscript> <div class="buttonblock"> <input class="defaultbutton" type="submit" name="LoginButton" value="{'Login'|i18n('bg_user/user/login')}" tabindex="1" /> </div> </noscript> {run-once} {literal} <script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'> function submitform( ok ) { var obj = document.getElementById("jsfakebutton"); if ( ok ) {"LoginButton"; {/literal} obj.value="{'Login'|i18n('bg_user/user/login')}"; {literal} } else {"CancelButton"; {/literal} obj.value="{'Discard'|i18n('bg_user/user/register')}"; {literal} } document.loginform.submit(); } var existingOnload = null; if (window.onload) { existingOnload = window.onload; } window.onload = function (ev) { if (existingOnload) { existingOnload(ev); } showjavascriptbuttons(); } function showjavascriptbuttons() { document.getElementById( 'javabuttons' ).style.display = "block"; } </script> {/literal} {/run-once}
Friday 10 August 2007 12:27:48 am
Thanks Pascal, I'll give it a try over the weekend and let you know how it goes.
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