Forums / Setup & design / Three individual site with common elements

Three individual site with common elements

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Ville Mattila

Wednesday 20 December 2006 4:34:16 am

Hi there,

I'd need to work out a site cluster featuring three independent site with different content, different design and different structure. Anyway, I would prefer to have only one eZ publish to accommodate all of them to make the administrational tasks and content mangement simple.

Each site has also many common components, for example news section and common stylesheet files (partly). In general, the basic design and page layout is different in each site.

I was wondering first to make three different siteaccesses (as they will be published under different subdomains) but figured out that I should configure all of them separately. Did I understand correct that each siteaccess can have own content structure at admin side?

Is there any possibility to guide eZ publish to have some common stylesheets and images, like {"common_logo.gif"|ezcommonimage) that would be independent of the current siteaccess? If I use standard {"common_logo.gif"|ezimage} I should copy all logo images to each siteaccess design directory.

Well... that's all for now. I would be happy to hear some tips and tricks how to take all performance out from eZ publish in this case.

Thank you,

Nabil Alimi

Wednesday 20 December 2006 6:31:36 am

Hi Ville,

I suggest to use a fourth siteaccess that will be your fallback. Your 3 other siteaccesses will use their own SiteDesign and will have the fourth SiteDesign as fallback. That way, anything that will be common to both sites will be stored in the fallback SiteDesign while specific elements will be in the specific SiteDesign.

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