Forums / Setup & design / TopIdentifierList[] doesn't works
Pascal France
Thursday 18 May 2006 7:17:01 am
With eZP 3.7.5, when I set double topmenu I can define the classes which are shown in the top and left menus with TopIdentifierList[] and LeftIdentifierList[] in menu.ini.append.php LeftIdentifierList[] works fine but TopIdentifierList[] not at all.By default, it is set like that:
TopIdentifierList[] TopIdentifierList[]=folder TopIdentifierList[]=feedback_form TopIdentifierList[]=gallery TopIdentifierList[]=forum
I can remove "TopIdentifierList[]=folder", folder objects are even shown and if I change TopIdentifierList[]=folder by a specific class (TopIdentifierList[]=my_folder) my_folder objects are not displayed but folder objects are always displayed.
I cleared all caches by hand.
Ce qui embellit le désert c'est qu'il cache un puits... quelque part... (A. de Saint-Exupéry) -
Kristof Coomans
Thursday 18 May 2006 8:48:36 am
In which ini file did you change it? Check if the siteaccess specific settings didn't get replaced by the general override settings.
independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |
Thursday 18 May 2006 10:09:43 am
Hi Kristof,
The changes are done in settings/siteaccess/linuxorable/menu.ini.append.php
I really don't known what append.I did a grep -R "MenuContentSettings" * in eZP install folder and the only config files returned are settings/menu.ini, settings/siteaccess/admin/menu.ini.append.php and settings/siteaccess/linuxorable/menu.ini.append.php
I can remove all TopIdentifierList[]=folder in these files, folder objects are always displayed. And I can change all TopIdentifierList[]=folder by TopIdentifierList[]=my_folder, my_folder objects are not displayed and folder objects yes !!!
Maybe, doing an upgrade from 3.7.5 to 3.7.6 will solve the problem.
Thursday 18 May 2006 11:05:57 pm
Hi Pascal
Did you check if the template of your top menu is taking these settings into account (the template in the base design should be allright).
Are you sure you created those setting under the [MenuContentSettings] group in menu.ini.append?
Friday 19 May 2006 12:05:14 am
Well, I did an upgrade and now all works fine.
Even I never changed anything in these files, I checked design/base/template/menu/* files from 3.7.5 and they are the same weight than 3.7.6 files.
You can see here: 3.7.5 don't working file. Maybe you will see something I didn't see.
PS: I never did it before, but restoring a mysql dump from an old version to a new installation is really easy and works fine. So, you can have a new site take less than 1 hour. Great eZP team job !!
Sunday 21 May 2006 6:52:48 am
Sorry for this dummy post
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