Forums / Setup & design / Treemenu that will show all the subtree of a certain node ?

Treemenu that will show all the subtree of a certain node ?

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H-Works Agency

Thursday 23 February 2006 7:02:53 am

How can i make a Tree menu that will show directly ALL the subtree under for exemple Node_id = 2 ? I mean not just displaying children after selecting the parent like the treemenu seems to work.

I tried a lot of different ways :

- Recursive list fetch
- treemenu function
- tree fetch function

But i wasn't able to achieve what i am looking for...well recursive list was working but i have 'def' warning all the way due to the fact that i am unable to set a namespace in the "def" function.

The result i want is nested list that i could handle like i want with CSS2 :

<ul><li>(...and so on)</li></ul>

Thank in advanced for help,


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