Forums / Setup & design / trouble with postgres backend

trouble with postgres backend

Author Message

Chris Pergantis

Monday 05 January 2009 8:39:41 am

I must apologize. I seem to have posted this issue into the wrong forum. If the post could be moved or should I re-post in the correct area?

IIS running as localhost windows vista business. PostGreSQL is running on one of our LAN LINUX boxes. The connection to the PostGreSQL server is typically solid.

We made an effort yesterday to install the ezpublish cms and managed to get through everything up to a point. I have attached an image of the page just before the error occurs and the error message just after it occurs. Also attached is a portion of the SQL log just as the error occured.

It was observed that from the log it appears that the SQL statements may be for MySQL and might not work for PGSQL. The log shows also that all of the earlier SQL statements ran without a problem. Rather than tracking down the code ourselves we opted to have you guys look at the issue since we are not up to speed on your code.

We hope this problem is quickly resolved. If the issue is not code related then please could someone give us a heads up on what the issue might be?

OOPS I guess I won't be attaching any images. Here is a description of the page just before it failed.

The page has "Site Registration" at the top and a check box option to "send registration" at the bottom near the "back" and "next" buttons. Pressing the "next" button is the user event that steps into the code associated with the error.

I do <b>note these problems</b> before I press the next button.

php_magicquotes - Success
mbstring_extension - Success
imagegd_extension - Failure
imagemagick_program - Failure
database_all_extensions - Failure
php_register_globals - Success
texttoimage_functions - Failure

Not concerned about the image issues currently if the database is having errors. The database_all_extensions failure might be the issue. To address that I followed some leads on the PHP dot net site for placing the following dll's into my system32 folder.


<b>LOG from PostGreSQL Server.</b>

2009-01-04 14:47:01 EST HINT: Use the escape string syntax for escapes, e.g., E'\r\n'.
2009-01-04 14:47:01 EST WARNING: nonstandard use of escape in a string literal at character 251
2009-01-04 14:47:01 EST HINT: Use the escape string syntax for escapes, e.g., E'\r\n'.
2009-01-04 14:47:01 EST WARNING: nonstandard use of escape in a string literal at character 259
2009-01-04 14:47:01 EST HINT: Use the escape string syntax for escapes, e.g., E'\r\n'.
2009-01-04 14:47:01 EST WARNING: nonstandard use of escape in a string literal at character 259
2009-01-04 14:47:01 EST HINT: Use the escape string syntax for escapes, e.g., E'\r\n'.
2009-01-04 14:47:01 EST WARNING: nonstandard use of escape in a string literal at character 260
2009-01-04 14:47:01 EST HINT: Use the escape string syntax for escapes, e.g., E'\r\n'.
2009-01-04 14:47:01 EST WARNING: nonstandard use of escape in a string literal at character 260
2009-01-04 14:47:01 EST HINT: Use the escape string syntax for escapes, e.g., E'\r\n'.
2009-01-04 14:47:07 EST WARNING: nonstandard use of \' in a string literal at character 66
2009-01-04 14:47:07 EST HINT: Use '' to write quotes in strings, or use the escape string syntax (E'...').
2009-01-04 14:47:10 EST ERROR: syntax error at or near "UNSIGNED" at character 131
2009-01-04 14:47:10 EST STATEMENT: CREATE TABLE ezm_block ( id CHAR(32) NOT NULL, zone_id CHAR(32) NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(255) NULL, node_id INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL, overflow_id CHAR(32) NULL, last_update INTEGER UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 0, block_type VARCHAR(255) NULL, fetch_params LONGTEXT NULL, rotation_type INTEGER UNSIGNED NULL, rotation_interval INTEGER UNSIGNED NULL, is_removed INTEGER(2) UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY(id) ) TYPE=InnoDB
2009-01-04 14:47:32 EST ERROR: relation "ezm_block" does not exist
2009-01-04 14:47:32 EST STATEMENT: UPDATE ezm_block SET name='Main story',
WHERE id='680b73edef7c07d8f3d9de429b4d9b4d'

<b>Error returned to internet browser.</b>

Fatal error: A database transaction in eZ Publish failed.

The current execution was stopped to prevent further problems.
You should contact the System Administrator of this site with the information on this page.
The current transaction ID is TRANSID-7faceffae81ef23d35ab367e1edd60df and has been logged.
Please include the transaction ID and the current URL when contacting the system administrator.

<b>What are the next steps I should take?</b>

Kristof Coomans

Monday 05 January 2009 11:02:54 pm

Hi Chris

Which version of eZ Publish did you try to install?

There is a very similar issue with eZ Flow and PostgreSQL in our issue tracker, which is marked as fixed. See Please try the new version. Good luck!

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Chris Pergantis

Tuesday 06 January 2009 9:23:46 am

The version I have installed just a couple of days ago was ezpublish-4.0.1-gpl.

Is there a newer version??

Chris Pergantis

Tuesday 06 January 2009 7:43:45 pm

Thought we might be running into a Windows IIS specific error. In order to test that proposition we decided to spend the time to copy it to another server with a different OS.

Well we just finished putting ezpublish installation up on one of our test domains. It is a GoDaddy LINUX server.

Exact same error in the exact same place.

We plan to now reinstall using the LINUX installation. If this works I would suggest that the Windows installer has the earlier error remaining in it's code. Will let you know tomorrow.

André R.

Wednesday 07 January 2009 3:24:54 am

The windows and linux installers contains the same code, so it's more likely that it's because you use postgres. Mysql is used by 98% of our users, so your more likely to succeed with that.

Alternatively try installing ezwebin package as it might be related to ezflow by looking at the log(and unless you plan on building a news site, webin might be more suitable).

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Chris Pergantis

Wednesday 07 January 2009 5:08:35 am

I am glad to hear that the two installations have the same code. Being a client server developer I know how it can happen that they might not be the same.

The log does seem to have ezflow issues. I will try the other template you mentioned on my local "test bed". If the other templates allow the completion of the installation then there is a problem with ezflow and PostGreSQL.

Chris Pergantis

Wednesday 07 January 2009 5:52:28 am

The installation on my Vista OS running IIS went well (100% completed installation). It seems to point to a definite issue between the ezflow site package and PostGreSQL.

Are there other site packages other than the three listed in the installation? There is a browse and upload form at the bottom of that page. After I work with the installed site package we will look at other site packages if they are available.

Later this morning I will also retry the LINUX server installation that we left last night. I believe that the progress with that installation will go just "smashing".

Great help guys and gals. Thanks!

Chris Pergantis

Wednesday 07 January 2009 9:45:45 am

One more point for those of you who are Vista with UAC turned on. The file was difficult to change to the new content/settings for the PHP system.

In order to make the change I opened in the text editor. I then made those changes and saved the file as on my desktop.

In the Start pop up menu of Windows Vista there is an entry field called "start search". I typed the "php.ini" into that field. I then deleted all files showing in that search results and ignored all that appeared in the search result which did not match exactly "php.ini".

I then rebooted, rechecked the same search and then I opened my copy of php.ini.txt on my desktop in the text editor. I did a "save as" from the text editor and confirmed all of the UAC messages. I then shut down the text editor.

I redid the search again and hopefully at this point you would see two entries in the result of that search. Each will be "php.ini.txt". One of those files will be the one on your desktop the other will be in the "c:\windows" directory. I then right clicked on the one in the "c:\windows" directory and dropped down to the "open file location" choice. The window that opened had the file highlighted. I renamed that file to "php.ini".

I am sure there might have been an easier way to do this but it was a trial and error for my process. Those of you who don't have to deal with UAC just don't understand even though you may have some thread of compassion.

I hope this helps......

eZ debug

Timing: Jan 18 2025 11:38:15
Script start
Timing: Jan 18 2025 11:38:15
Module start 'content'
Timing: Jan 18 2025 11:38:17
Module end 'content'
Timing: Jan 18 2025 11:38:17
Script end

Main resources:

Total runtime1.4814 sec
Peak memory usage4,096.0000 KB
Database Queries211

Timing points:

CheckpointStart (sec)Duration (sec)Memory at start (KB)Memory used (KB)
Script start 0.00000.0060 587.7109180.8359
Module start 'content' 0.00611.3310 768.5469665.9844
Module end 'content' 1.33710.1442 1,434.5313345.0938
Script end 1.4813  1,779.6250 

Time accumulators:

 Accumulator Duration (sec) Duration (%) Count Average (sec)
Ini load
Load cache0.00400.2726210.0002
Check MTime0.00150.1037210.0001
Mysql Total
Database connection0.00060.038810.0006
Looping result0.00220.14652090.0000
Template Total1.450797.920.7253
Template load0.00240.164820.0012
Template processing1.448297.762020.7241
Template load and register function0.00020.015310.0002
Cache load0.00210.1395910.0000
Sytem overhead
Fetch class attribute can translate value0.00120.083740.0003
Fetch class attribute name0.00100.0697100.0001
Image XML parsing0.00150.100940.0004
Instantiating content class attribute0.00000.0012100.0000
String conversion0.00000.000330.0000
Note: percentages do not add up to 100% because some accumulators overlap

CSS/JS files loaded with "ezjscPacker" during request:


Templates used to render the page:

UsageRequested templateTemplateTemplate loadedEditOverride
1node/view/full.tplfull/forum_topic.tplextension/sevenx/design/simple/override/templates/full/forum_topic.tplEdit templateOverride template
8content/datatype/view/ezxmltext.tpl<No override>extension/community_design/design/suncana/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltext.tplEdit templateOverride template
12content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/paragraph.tpl<No override>extension/ezwebin/design/ezwebin/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/paragraph.tplEdit templateOverride template
4content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/line.tpl<No override>design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/line.tplEdit templateOverride template
2content/datatype/view/ezimage.tpl<No override>extension/sevenx/design/simple/templates/content/datatype/view/ezimage.tplEdit templateOverride template
1pagelayout.tpl<No override>extension/sevenx/design/simple/templates/pagelayout.tplEdit templateOverride template
 Number of times templates used: 28
 Number of unique templates used: 6

Time used to render debug report: 0.0002 secs