Forums / Setup & design / Turn off debugging for certain layout/templates.

Turn off debugging for certain layout/templates.

Author Message

Ralph Ekekihl

Wednesday 27 April 2005 6:17:35 am

Hi everyone,

I am trying to turn off the debugging ouput specificly for a layout I have made. The reason is, its displaying status from an extension and I dont want debugging info there aswell, even if its turned on.

Is there anyway to do this?

Ralph E.

Contactivity B.V.

Bård Farstad

Wednesday 27 April 2005 7:11:13 am

Ralph, what you are describing here is not possible without altering the eZDebug class. This class handles today debug for a specific IP. You could change the code here to check for other things as well and make it work in your case. Some programming is needed.



Ralph Ekekihl

Wednesday 27 April 2005 8:28:38 am

Thanks for your answer!

Contactivity B.V.