Forums / Setup & design / Using workflow on multiple siteaccess ???

Using workflow on multiple siteaccess ???

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Matteo Giordani

Tuesday 26 February 2008 1:01:58 am

First... sorry for my english.
I have a big problem with the workflow engine of Ez-publish.
I have 3 admin siteaccess (i need to customize the admin interface ,user registration template ...etc for different kind of users).

Here is an example of my site access configuration:

1) the default admin site access created by ez-publish called for example A
2) the customize admin site access for the editors group1 called B
2) the customize admin site access for the editors group2 called C
3) the other customize admin site access for the publisher called D

All the site access use the same DB.

Into the admin interface in the siteacces A I've created all the policies to configure properly the different kind of users. Then i've created a simple approval workflow for a section defined previously and activated it through the correct trigger. i explain the real problem:

The editor into the siteaccess B creates an object, then he publishes it and the workflow starts properly and the object doesn't appear because i think it's in the "waiting for approval" status.
The publisher into siteaccess D needs to view the pending object but the collaboration area is EMPTY (view/summary) and i don't know why ?!?!?. So the object is in a sort of limbo...

NB: If the object is created in the site access A is viewable by the publisher in the siteaccess D.

What's wrong???
Please help...
Thanks everybody.

Mauro Innocenti

Tuesday 26 February 2008 2:21:12 am

Sorry me too for my english ;-).
What about if all users login with the same siteaccess?
If that work, the problem is strictly siteaccess related (maybe some difference between ini files).

Matteo Giordani

Tuesday 26 February 2008 3:52:09 am

Yes Mauro, the problem is strictly siteaccess related.
Infact the publisher is able to view the colloborative items only if an object is created in the siteaccess A.
Unfortunately i need to use different siteaccess because after login i need to redirect the groups of users to different specific nodes (through the RedirectUrl in the login page).
The ini files are similar. I can't find the mistake...

Thanks for the answers.