Shurbann Martes
Thursday 25 December 2003 8:40:24 pm
I did something very stupid I deleted my sections. Not all of them but I think the most important one: users.. this is giving me some HUGE problem. What can I do to solve this problem?
Shurbann Martes
Thursday 25 December 2003 11:46:11 pm
I'm very desperate. I still have all my data, but my designs ain't working no more. I had a few, but after the above not one of them is working.. everything is showing me the admin design....
Balazs Halasy
Friday 26 December 2003 4:23:08 am
Let me get this right: You used the admin interface to remove some sections from within the "Set up" tab and the "Sections" submenu? How many custom sections did you have? How many sections do you think you removed? Balazs
Shurbann Martes
Friday 26 December 2003 4:32:25 am
You used the admin interface to remove some sections from within the "Set up" tab and the "Sections" submenu? How many custom sections did you have? How many sections do you think you removed? </quote> Yes,I deleted some sections form the within the "Setup up" tab + "Sections" submenu. I know this is really stupid, I thought I knew what I was doing. :-( I think I removed 3 or 4 sections, they were some old one that "was" not being used by us: (just from the sql of the earlier installation with example data) One of them was User section (id: 9), (pfff.. what was I thinking), maybe another one called "Standard" (I don't remember this one very good) and 1 or 2 more....
I'm using ez 3.2.4. Is there any hope? :( Everything else seems to be working perfectly. -Shurbann
Balazs Halasy
Friday 26 December 2003 5:11:22 am
Regarding hope: There is always hope. :-)
Regarding sections: The standard and user sections are more or less critical and should not be removed! I think it should be as easy as recreating the missing sections by re-adding them manually to the "ezsection" table within the database: INSERT INTO ezsection (id, name, locale, navigation_part_identifier) VALUES (1,'Standard section','nor-NO','ezcontentnavigationpart'); INSERT INTO ezsection (id, name, locale, navigation_part_identifier) VALUES (2,'Users','','ezusernavigationpart'); INSERT INTO ezsection (id, name, locale, navigation_part_identifier) VALUES (3,'Media','','ezmedianavigationpart'); I just copy/pasted these lines from the "cleandata.sql" file that resides in the "/kernel/sql/mysql/" directory. Before you execute these SQL commands, check if some of the sections are there already (don't add the ones that are not missing) and change the locale to your locale (eg: change nor-NO to the locale that you're using in Canada (probably eng-US or fre-CA?)). Balazs
Paul Borgermans
Friday 26 December 2003 6:52:47 am
Hi This happed quite a few times with me too. You can use the admin interface to restore user sections: just create a new one (preferrably with the name Users) and assign it to the users. And important: assign the navigation part to Users as well hth -paul
eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training
Shurbann Martes
Friday 26 December 2003 1:57:30 pm
Paul what do you mean with "assign the navigation part to Users as well" ? I don't understand exactly what you mean with that. I made the new entries with the use of the administration, and I assigned the Users section to Users and the Media section to Media The ezsection DB looks like this now:
INSERT INTO `ezsection` VALUES (1, 'bnknet', 'eng-GB', 'ezcontentnavigationpart', 'ezcontentnavigationpart');
INSERT INTO `ezsection` VALUES (2, 'solarvibes', '', 'ezcontentnavigationpart', 'ezcontentnavigationpart');
INSERT INTO `ezsection` VALUES (3, 'students', '', 'ezcontentnavigationpart', 'ezcontentnavigationpart');
INSERT INTO `ezsection` VALUES (4, 'offline', '', 'ezcontentnavigationpart', 'ezcontentnavigationpart');
INSERT INTO `ezsection` VALUES (10, 'link', '', 'ezcontentnavigationpart', 'ezcontentnavigationpart');
INSERT INTO `ezsection` VALUES (11, 'Users', '', 'ezcontentnavigationpart', 'ezusernavigationpart'); INSERT INTO `ezsection` VALUES (12, 'Media', '', 'ezcontentnavigationpart', 'ezmedianavigationpart'); Still nothing
Regards, -Shurbann
Balazs Halasy
Friday 26 December 2003 2:11:04 pm
> Paul what do you mean with "assign the > navigation part to Users as well" ? I believe that he means the following:
1) Fire up the admin interface
2) Login as admin
3) Click on the "Set up" tab
4) Click on "Sections"
5) Locate "Users" - click the "edit" icon on that line
6) From the "Navigation part" dropdown box: select "Users". 7) Click "Store"
Same procedure for Media... set it to "media".. Same procedure for Standard... set it to "content"... Balazs
Balazs Halasy
Friday 26 December 2003 2:27:23 pm
Regarding your SQL inserts: Are you sure that your old sections (standard, users and media) had the same IDs that you're assigning? By default, ID number one is "Standard", ID number two is "Users" and ID number three is "Media":
mysql> select * from ezsection;
| id | name | locale | navigation_part_identifier |
| 1 | Standard section | nor-NO | ezcontentnavigationpart |
| 2 | Users | | ezusernavigationpart |
| 3 | Media | | ezmedianavigationpart | +----+------------------+--------+----------------------------+ Balazs
Shurbann Martes
Friday 26 December 2003 2:29:26 pm
Thank you very much for your really fast reply. I did what you told me. The sections 1 - 4 was already like that. These sections was lke that since I first started with eZ 3.0.x. There was an sql file where you could input some data to start with
I just added the new section( Users <11>, Media <12> and Standard <13>), gave them the right navigation part. And assigned them to the parts I want (Standard -> /<root>)
(Media -> Media) (Users -> Users) This is the the DB:
select * from ezsection;
| id | name | locale |navigation_part_idenfifier | navigation_part_identifier
| 1 | bnknet | eng-GB | ezcontentnavigationpart | ezcontentnavigationpart
| 2 | solarvibes | | ezcontentnavigationpart | ezcontentnavigationpart
| 3 | students | | ezcontentnavigationpart | ezcontentnavigationpart
| 4 | offline | | ezcontentnavigationpart | ezcontentnavigationpart
| 10 | link | | ezcontentnavigationpart | ezcontentnavigationpart
| 11 | Users | | ezcontentnavigationpart | ezusernavigationpart
| 12 | Media | | ezcontentnavigationpart | ezmedianavigationpart
| 13 | Standard | | ezcontentnavigationpart | ezcontentnavigationpart +----+------------------+--------+----------------------------+ Still it's not working, http://localhost/index.php/www is still showing the admin design.
I see is that the DB doesn't seem to resemble what you told me in the post with the insert SQL lines. I have two navigation_part_identifier.
Shurbann Martes
Friday 26 December 2003 3:04:56 pm
One more information I started the DebugAcces
And I get this info:
Updated settings to use siteaccess 'www'. So it's using the correct siteaccess, but the siteaccess is not giving the correct design.
Balazs Halasy
Saturday 27 December 2003 3:00:27 am
Hello again, I thought you were running a more recent version of eZ publish. 3.0.x is considered to be quite "old" :-). Later versions only have 4 fields in the ezsection table - that's why my suggested SQL commands didn't work with your system. However, it seems that you managed to figure it out yourself and that you restored the missing sections so that the section-table was back in its normal/previous state. Why it is not working now is a mystery. If you simply just deleted the sections and restored them later on (exactly as they were before the deletion) then I assume that it should work again. Are you completely sure that your section definitions are 100% correct (compared to what you had before you deleted them)? I'm afraid you'll have to wait until some of the hardcore eZ systems guys show up again (we're supposed to be on vacation until 2004-Jan-02)... ...or perhaps someone else in the forum can help you... good luck! :-) Balazs
Shurbann Martes
Saturday 27 December 2003 10:06:37 am
Thank you Balazs, I'm very pleased that you're replying while you suppose to be on vacation. I think this is a good time for me to redesign the whole site again... So I have alot of time to wait. ;)
Regards, -Shurbann