Sunday 18 July 2004 7:35:44 am
Hey Kevin,
Wow, I almost lost it there for a minute.
This one had me stumped for a few hours, but I couldn't give up, I had to know. I have to be honest I didn't understand the parts of your post were you said that some toolbars didn't have <ul> or <li> tags yet other toolbars didn't. I understand now, I just don't know entirely why.
Still I did understand a lot more what your trying to do when you said that it was creating <ul><li class="toolbar-item first"> entries that were not in the toolbar tpl files I previously mentioned. Thank you for the extra details they are always helpful. So after a lot of template searching in the design/ folder with no hint of <ul> tags. I took it up a notch, to the next level, to the lib/eztemplate classes.
I found the code in the file: lib/eztemplate/classes/eztemplatetoolbarfunction.php
I think you can edit that file edit or remove the tags you don't want. Why they are in that class file instead of a tpl file I don't know or understand. Specificly, I think if you change the lines that read: if ( $toolbarPosition == 'top' or $toolbarPosition == 'bottom' )
with a line like this: if ( $toolbarPosition == 'top' )
Then the <li> tags will not be used for the bottom toolbar any longer. Be sure to backup the file eztemplatetoolbarfunction.php , just in case ;) cp -a lib/eztemplate/classes/eztemplatetoolbarfunction.php lib/eztemplate/classes/
Sorry I'm so brief but I am struggling with moving an eZ publish install between to servers. I get an error not documented anywhere on
Hope this helps, Let me know if it does . . .
Hey Kevin I really like your site eZ publish site design! Did you hire a designer to create it?
\\kracker Aqua Teen Hunger Force - Dumber Days
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