Forums / Setup & design / while loop
Marko Žmak
Saturday 22 January 2005 2:57:40 pm
Is there any way I can make a while loop in eZ?
I would like to make a section that loops until some condition becomes false. As far as I know, {section loop=...} loops only through an array or a specified number of times. But I want to make it loop a variable number of times, until some condition is true.
How do I do that?
-- Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it! Hubert Farnsworth
Roy Bøhmer
Tuesday 25 January 2005 10:51:18 am
What about setting a max value of iterations, and inside the loop alter the max-variable?
{let max=1} {section loop=$array max=$max} ... {section show=$condition} {set max=1} {section-else} {set max=sum($max,1)} {/section} {section}
I've not tested this piece of code, but it might give you some ideas.
Tuesday 25 January 2005 2:34:09 pm
Tried it. Doesn't work. Does anyone have any idea? What about folks that know how eZ works from the inside? Is there any way to do this?
Thursday 27 January 2005 4:27:26 am
Is there any way to do this in eZ 3.5 maybe? I couldn't find a sollution in previous versions.
Thursday 18 August 2005 7:38:16 am
Hi there, I'm stuck in the same problem, unfortunately I haven't found any solution yet.Seems the template script does not support such statement....
Thursday 18 August 2005 8:43:21 am
The sollution exists. Look here:
Could someone tell us in what version of eZ this new syntax is implemented?
Daniel Guerrier
Thursday 18 August 2005 5:22:23 pm
It is available in 3.6+
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0001 secs