Forums / Setup & design / Why is my local site soooo slow?
gary broaders
Thursday 05 June 2003 4:03:24 am
Hi,I just installed the latest version. But its very very slow. It takes about 15-20 times longer to connect to my local site then to connect to this site. I have other pages on my local serer and they do not a problem.
Anyone have any ideas?tks
Thursday 05 June 2003 4:21:33 am
I guess i should say what I am using apache 1.3.27 PHP 4.2.3MYSQL 4.0
I downloaded PhpDev from and it installed apache, php and mysql
Bård Farstad
Thursday 05 June 2003 4:30:49 am
Some things you can check: - Caching is enabled in eZ publish - PHP Acellerator is installed ( or similar product )- Check that eZ publish is enable to create the cache files ( turn on debug to look for error messages )
How fast is your machine?
Thursday 05 June 2003 4:59:50 am
Can you plz explain in a little more detail - caching is enabled in ezPublish? - PHP acellerator? - Check that eZ publish is enable to create the cache files ( turn on debug to look for error messages ) ?
My computer is slow. Its a PII with 64 ram so I expect it and everything to be slow but with this there is something not right. I have other tables in SQL that the speed is reasonable based on my computer. I think it has something to do with MySql(maybe not setup properly) or how EzPublish is accesing the tables in MySql. Just a guess.
Huib Kleinhout
Thursday 05 June 2003 5:14:03 am
64MB is a very little to run a webserver/db and ezp. Your webserver is probably completely dependent on swap memory. And as ezp eats at least more than 8MB this behaviour seems quite normal.