Forums / Setup & design / Why register.tpl display with mix language GB/FR ?
Yann Decam
Sunday 29 April 2007 12:55:19 pm
As i'm performing my learning curve with this product and i'm facing a problem. I'm running 2 languages GB/FR with 3.9. when displaying the user registration ( register.tpl ) i've the title and button in english and the rest of class in french. See the picture enclosed :
I look at the ts translated FR file :
<message> <source>Register user</source> <translation>Inscription</translation> </message>
Translation seems to be there also in the register.tpl
<div class="attribute-header"> <h1 class="long">{"Register user"|i18n("design/ezwebin/user/register")}</h1> </div>
What's wrong with me ? If someone can help me ?
Xavier Dutoit
Sunday 29 April 2007 1:47:47 pm
What's the locale you use ? Is the translation enabled ?
Looks, there is something not done properly in your ini file.
Sunday 29 April 2007 3:49:59 pm
Thank you Xavier for the input but here is site.ini.append.php
[RegionalSettings] Locale=fre-FR ContentObjectLocale=fre-FR ShowUntranslatedObjects=enabled SiteLanguageList[] SiteLanguageList[]=fre-FR SiteLanguageList[]=eng-GB TextTranslation=enabled
I don' t see any error thus installation comes from the default set-up.
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